Wostmans Urine Diverting Toilets
Wostman Ecology AB is world leading when it comes to urine diverting toilets. The company, who is based in Sweden, has been developing and manufacturing urine diverting toilets since 1991. The toilets have been sold to many parts of the world. To eco-projects, to hospitals and to regular single households. Below you see the three kinds of UDTs we are currently manufacturing. Every model uses our unique water trap in the urine bowl that makes it very smooth to clean and maintain good hygiene.
Urine Diverting
Dry WC
Dry toilet for summer houses, cottages and eco-living houses. Single-flush option in the front of about 0,1 liter per flush.
Urine Diverting
Classic WC
A classic water flushing WC but with a urine bowl in the front. Being used for septic tanks, farming purposes, water saving purposes, hospitals and many more places. Also for eco-minded people in regular apartments and villas. Double-flush with 0,3 Liter small flush and 2,5 Liter big flush.
Urine Diverting
Vacuum WC
Probably the worlds most low-flushing toilet. Double-flush function with a small flush in the front of about 0,1 Liter, and the main flush of about 0,6 Liter.
This is how the EcoFlush unique flushing works. It flows from the back to the front, over the edge and to the back.
About Urine Diverting Toilets
Urine Divertings WCs with unique features!
Using a urine-diverting WC makes it more efficient to flush as little water as possible. On average, a person visits 6 toilet visits per day. Since 5 out of 6 toilet visits contain only urine the small rinse in the urine bowl is used 5 of 6 times. The average water being consumed per flush will then be well below 1 liter in an EcoFlush, which then is 80-90% less water than all the usual toilets on the market! EcoFlush flush and built-in water trap are completely unique. For even less flushing, EcoVac Sorting Vacuum WC, or EcoDry Recreation Room.
Uniqe built-in water trap!
Now it's even easier to install and use our UDTs. The water lock is located underneath the urine bowl and makes it possible for a quick and safe installation, and no other need for a water trap for the urine piping. It is also extremely easy to rinse the urine drain with water by lifting the cover and rinsing with a hose.